Chris Hennessee Becomes His Own Brand (excerpt from blog)
In today’s society, there are so many ways to be heard. So if you’re an awesomely talented singer-songwriter do you pick just a few select ways to connect with your audience, or use them all? It seems as though the best route is somewhere in between.  While it’s important to be everywhere, it’s also important to maintain yourself, the brand, with a certain amount of consistency.
If you’re super talented, like Chris Hennessee, you’ll want everyone around to hear your music, see you in action, and know how to book you for a huge show. Chris, an East Tennessee native, was born to sing and born to write. His last name (oh yes, it’s real) is just the icing on the cake to his brand.
While he’s got the proper team in place around him, Hennessee isn’t afraid to reach out and connect with his audience. You can find him in all the popular social circles – Twitter, Facebook, iTunes, Spotify, YouTube, Instagram and more. You can also locate his booking agents online, read a cool article or two, and most importantly, hear his, “Southern Country Blues with a little bit of Rock mixed in” songs. Chris’ strong voice is surprisingly flexible & fits with many genres, but Southern Country is by far where it’s at with Hennessee. He's been fortunate enough to perform, write, and record with the likes of Jamey Johnson, Alison Krauss, The Wild Feathers, and more. As you surf, you'll notice consistent images, videos, tracks, and messages to tie the Hennessee brand together with his most current album. I was privileged to help him create looks and content early on and then again when I designed, Greetings From Hennessee, for him in 2016. Spend a worthwhile few minutes of your time to see how a musician begins to become a brand and entertain your ears while you’re at it. Even if you’re not a country music fanatic, you’re sure to become a Hennessee fan. Bet you can’t get Stompin' and Ramble off the brain for at least a week!
Knock Knock. Who's There? Facebook. (excerpt from case study)

Knock Knock employs a type of underground, permission-based, pull strategy with its Facebook fan page.  As a brand, KK doesn’t heavily promote their social sites; instead, Knock Knock is found by either searching for them or hearing about them from a rad friend.  The pseudo-secret finding of Knock Knock’s fan pages makes the user (online alphas) feel like they’ve discovered something they can enjoy and share with only their coolest connections, i.e., messenger bees.  Knock Knock commonly finds useful, witty, or strange information that involves a thought about their brand. Of course, some of it is just interesting fluff.  But… fans enjoy and re-posting these articles, and the KK army grows outward with each click.
While the brand seems to revel in finding, communicating, and receiving referrals from pass along media, it can occupy a lot of research time.  After recently musing in a Facebook posting, that “…no, we never get any actual work done…” a fan responded, “good thing your product speaks for its self. That way you can surf the web and find hysterical and unique articles to publish for the rest of us.”  That’s marketing you just can’t buy.  Fans are engaged, listening, and participating in the brand’s success.  And what’s best - KK consumers really get the overall brand personality.
Knock Knock’s fun postings and products make stressful days go away by providing a laugh.  Got a co-worker on your nerves?  Whip out a Paper Voodoo Pad and go to town.  A found moment to check Facebook messages at work is something that employees cherish.  So better make it relevant, fun, or useful, especially for the brand’s affluent overachievers.  Knock Knock enjoys successful communication with fans and has become a welcome permission based brand.
Knock Knock’s Facebook page houses all types of useful stuff.  Fans can find brand information, links to the KK site, blog, and company Twitter page right from the Facebook dock.  Fans enjoy receiving links to contests & promos and are welcome to join in Knock Knock talk.  Facebook allows fans an inside KK look with company karaoke photos and fun staff conversations.

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